How To Improve As Protection Paladin - The War Within Pre-Patch (2024)

Last updated on Jul 23, 2024 at 00:30by Panthea55 comments

General Information

On this page, you will find out how you can improve at playingProtection Paladin in World of Warcraft —The War Within Pre-Patch. We list the common mistakes that you shouldtry to avoid and the small details that can greatly improve yourperformance.


Rotational Mistakes


Improper Holy Power Management

With any combat resource system you want to avoid waste. With Holy Power wehave abilities that build Holy Power (How To Improve As Protection Paladin - The War Within Pre-Patch (1) Judgment,How To Improve As Protection Paladin - The War Within Pre-Patch (2) Crusader Strike/How To Improve As Protection Paladin - The War Within Pre-Patch (3) Hammer of the Righteous/How To Improve As Protection Paladin - The War Within Pre-Patch (4) Blessed Hammer,and How To Improve As Protection Paladin - The War Within Pre-Patch (5) Hammer of Wrath) and abilities that spend Holy Power(How To Improve As Protection Paladin - The War Within Pre-Patch (6) Shield of the Righteous, and How To Improve As Protection Paladin - The War Within Pre-Patch (7) Word of Glory). Your aim here is toensure that you use your Holy Power spenders before reaching 5 Holy Power. Learnhow to plan your ability rotations so that this scenario does not occur.

As an additional tip: You should try to ensure that yourHow To Improve As Protection Paladin - The War Within Pre-Patch (8) Shield of the Righteous casts that are empowered byHow To Improve As Protection Paladin - The War Within Pre-Patch (9) Judgment. Casting Judgment increases the damagethe target takes from Shield of the Righteous by 25%, and you want to makesure that unless absolutely necessary, it is empowered by it. This can betricky or in some cases impossible to pull off if you need prolonged uptimeon Shield of the Righteous and are unlucky with How To Improve As Protection Paladin - The War Within Pre-Patch (10) Grand Crusaderprocs.

How To Improve As Protection Paladin - The War Within Pre-Patch (11) Consecration has a very short cooldown, but along duration (duration lowered by your Haste as it ticks faster), it isgenerally very easy to have 100% uptime on Consecration. However, since youcan only have one Consecration active, and casting it again overwrites the oldone, it is a rather big loss to your rotation to constantly be recastingConsecration when you do not have to. This means it is important to know howmuch duration your current Consecration has to know when to prioritize it inyour rotation again.


Word of Glory

How To Improve As Protection Paladin - The War Within Pre-Patch (12) Word of Glory is a self-heal with that increases effectiveness thelower health you have. Due to its Holy Power cost outside of 5 stacks ofHow To Improve As Protection Paladin - The War Within Pre-Patch (13) Shining Light you need to restrain from using it until you are ratherlow in health. A common mistake is to spend Holy Power on it when you are onlymissing a very small amount of of health, thus reducing potentialHow To Improve As Protection Paladin - The War Within Pre-Patch (14) Shield of the Righteous uptime, or wasting a How To Improve As Protection Paladin - The War Within Pre-Patch (15) Shining Light buffthat makes it free to cast. It is a fine line as you obviously need to makesure to not use it too late and you end up dying. This requires a lot ofknowledge of how high and immediate the incoming damage is. You also need toknow what cooldowns or active mitigation you have up or available, to make sureyou can survive going as low as you can without a risk of dying. Planning thistakes a bit of practice since it is on the global cooldown.


Utilizing Your Group Utility


Having an Aura active

You should always have an Aura active. Which aura depends on the situationyou and your group is in.

  • If you are the only Paladin in your group/raid, you should useHow To Improve As Protection Paladin - The War Within Pre-Patch (16) Devotion Aura.
  • If there is a Holy Paladin in your group/raid, they should be usingHow To Improve As Protection Paladin - The War Within Pre-Patch (17) Devotion Aura, and you should use another aura.
  • If there are multiple Paladins in your group/raid, discuss who should usewhich aura.
  • If you are mounted, use How To Improve As Protection Paladin - The War Within Pre-Patch (18) Crusader Aura.



Paladins are one of the tanks with the most group utility out there, and itis important to make use of these as it can turn the tide in many situations.Your blessings are some of the strongest spells for your group there is, and acommon mistake from Paladins is that they only focus on their own play ratherthan helping the group when possible. This is especially true forHow To Improve As Protection Paladin - The War Within Pre-Patch (19) Blessing of Sacrifice, which can be used often whenever you know a teammember will be taking damage; this is even more important for your co-tank inraids. How To Improve As Protection Paladin - The War Within Pre-Patch (20) Blessing of Protection or How To Improve As Protection Paladin - The War Within Pre-Patch (21) Blessing of Spellwarding arealso tools you should try to find situations for to help your group out. WhileHow To Improve As Protection Paladin - The War Within Pre-Patch (22) Blessing of Freedom has more limited uses most of the time, there arestill moments where it shines and it is a mistake not to use.


Hand of the Protector

If you have chosen the How To Improve As Protection Paladin - The War Within Pre-Patch (23) Hand of the Protector talent, you got anamazing tool for getting allies out of being at dangerously low health with thepress of a button. Be careful when helping others with this though, as it doesso at the cost of How To Improve As Protection Paladin - The War Within Pre-Patch (24) Shield of the Righteous casts or potential self-healsyou may need, but hopefully it means the healer can focus more on you instead ofpanic healing the both of you. It also upsets your rotation since it takes up aglobal cooldown from your normal rotation.


Lay on Hands

How To Improve As Protection Paladin - The War Within Pre-Patch (25) Lay on Hands is an instant full heal on you or another player that isoff the global cooldown. This is incredibly strong to get you out of a lowhealth situation should your How To Improve As Protection Paladin - The War Within Pre-Patch (26) Word of Glory not be free right now, or younot having the Holy Power available, or in real emergencies, if you can notwait for the global cooldown of Word of Glory, Lay on Hands might need to beused.


Planning Defensive Cooldowns and Externals

If a raid or boss ability will require you to use specific cooldowns,personals, or externals to survive, you want to build up a plan for when touse these strong cooldowns against what abilities. Make sure you are usingsome form of add-on to track other team members strong cooldowns to be ableto call for them.

With Protection Paladins not being able to keep 100% uptime on theirHow To Improve As Protection Paladin - The War Within Pre-Patch (27) Shield of the Righteous, in many situations we are required to fillin the gaps of Shield of the Righteous uptime with cooldowns to smooth damageintake. Try either using short cooldown external, orHow To Improve As Protection Paladin - The War Within Pre-Patch (28) Ardent Defender to buy you a few more seconds of safety while youlet Shield of the Righteous recharge.


Balancing Offense and Defense


Too Offensive

While it is always cool to dish out a lot of damage, even as a tank, goingoverboard with offensive tools often times will blow up in your face. If youare unprepared for the situation you are in, being in a high offensivegear-set or mentality can easily get you killed. While all the damage you cando is nice, it is no good to anyone if you end up dying. The rightamount of offensiveness is completely player dependent, meaning certainplayers feel comfortable and safe at a lower defensive level than others


Too Defensive

On the flip side, there are many players out there who just goes all outin survivability. This means survivability talents, gearing, trinkets, andconsumables. While a tank's first and foremost job is to not die, there comesa point where a lot of that survivability becomes redundant. Highsurvivability at the cost of damage output usually leads to threat issues,making you have to work a lot more to keep threat off of damage dealers orco-tanks. It is a fine line to balance between survivability and damageoutput but a general rule of thumb is to start with going overly defensive,then systematically you go for more and more damage output, while stillstaying at a level you consider yourself to be safe at.



  • 23 Jul. 2024: Reviewed for The War Within Pre-Patch.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Season 4.
  • 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5.
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.2
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.5.
  • 01 May 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.
  • 20 Mar. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.7.
  • 24 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 11 Dec. 2022: Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 1.
  • 28 Nov. 2022: Reviewed for Dragonflight launch.
  • 24 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.

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How To Improve As Protection Paladin - The War Within Pre-Patch (2024)


How To Improve As Protection Paladin - The War Within Pre-Patch? ›

What is the best race for Protection Paladins in Dragonflight? Alliance's best Protection Paladin races are Lightforged Draenei, Dark Iron Dwarf, Human, and Dwarf. The best Protection Paladin races for Horde are Zandalari Troll, Blood Elf, and Tauren.

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Stat Professions
  • Blacksmithing: Socket Bracer, Socket Gloves.
  • Jewelcrafting: Solid Chimera's Eye, Fractured Chimera's Eye, Bold Chimera's Eye.
  • Inscription: Inscription of the Earth Prince, Lionsmane Inscription.
  • Tailoring: Swordguard Embroidery.
  • Enchanting: Enchant Ring - Greater Stamina, Enchant Ring - Strength.
Jul 29, 2024

What stats does a protection paladin need? ›

Defensively, the stat priority for Protection Paladins are as follows:
  • Haste;
  • Mastery;
  • Versatility;
  • Critical Strike.

What is the best race for prot Paladin Dragonflight? ›

What is the best race for Protection Paladins in Dragonflight? Alliance's best Protection Paladin races are Lightforged Draenei, Dark Iron Dwarf, Human, and Dwarf. The best Protection Paladin races for Horde are Zandalari Troll, Blood Elf, and Tauren.

What is the best covenant for prot Paladin? ›

While all of the Covenants have their place some simply perform better on a day-to-day basis than others. Kyrian and Venthyr are the two that stand out the most for Protection Paladin due to their powerful Class Abilities and Soulbinds. Venthyr — Strong single-target DPS, group healing, and the ability to teleport!

Who is the strongest character in Paladins? ›

So without any further ado, these are Paladins' best champions.
  • Androxus. Androxus used to be a noble lawman of the Outer Tribunal circuit judges. ...
  • Cassie. Cassie has always wanted to journey around the world and fight against the magistrate. ...
  • Dredge. Dredge used to be an admiral and a fearsome pirate. ...
  • Drogoz. ...
  • Makoa.

What is the most powerful Paladin subclass? ›

D&D's strength lies in both its pedigree and its variety, while Pathfinder creates a truly expansive, versatile world with sci-fi capabilities.
  • 3 D&D's Oath Of Vengeance Paladins Embody Righteous Anger. ...
  • 2 D&D's Oath Of Devotion Paladins Are Paragons Of Virtue. ...
  • 1 Oath Of The Ancients Is D&D's Most Powerful Paladin Subclass.
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If we're talking AOE tanks in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, the conversation starts with Protection Paladins. They're a solid option in our tank tier list due to a combination of utility and effectiveness.

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Best Protection Paladin Gems in War Within Pre-Patch

You'll want to socket a Fierce Illimited Diamond in your gear as your first gem. You can only use one of them. Then you'll want to use Keen Ysemerald in the rest of your gem slots.

What is the best oath for a Paladin? ›

This ranking takes a look at only the official paladin subclasses of DnD 5e.
  • 8 Oath Of The Crown.
  • 7 Oath Of Glory.
  • 6 Oath Of Conquest.
  • 5 Oath Of Devotion.
  • 4 Oath Of Redemption.
  • 3 Oath Of The Watchers.
  • 2 Oathbreaker.
  • 1 Oath Of Vengeance.
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What is the best god for a Paladin? ›

Torm and Tyr are both popular deities for paladins, as is Ilmater, who stresses self-sacrifice and the alleviation of suffering.

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Best Melee DPS Covenants
SpecBest Covenant RaidBest Covenant Mythic+
Survival HunterVenthyr (Single) Kyrian (AoE)Kyrian
Windwalker MonkKyrian NecrolordKyrian Necrolord
Retribution PaladinKyrianKyrian
Assassination RogueVenthyrVenthyr
9 more rows
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What profession should a Paladin have? ›

There is no surprise that Engineering is the best profession when it comes to PvE, given all the cool gadgets you gain access to. Possibly the biggest buff that engineering received is the fact that your special enchantments now take the form of Tinkers.

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Best Leveling Spec for Paladin in The War Within

Both Retribution and Protection are viable leveling specs. As Holy will lack damage, you will want to stay away from it. Protection will allow you to be nearly invincible when pulling enemies.

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With Human currently being the top race for Protection Paladins in Mythic+, here are the other races that also stand out due to their advantageous traits:
  • Tauren. ...
  • Zandalari Troll.

What skill is best for a Paladin? ›

Ideally, you should select Proficiencies in skills based on Strength or Charisma. However, Athletics is the only Strength-based skill, so you should focus on Charisma skills such as Deception, Intimidation, and Persuasion. Your Paladin can then use their high Charisma outside combat to pass dialogue checks.


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