Kare Raisu (Homemade Japanese Curry Rice) Recipe (2024)

Why It Works

  • A homemade blend of spices delivers deeper, fresher flavors that are customizable to your own tastes.
  • Toasting the spices before grinding, then frying them in the roux, develops their flavors and infuses them throughout the dish.
  • Grated apple adds a subtly sweet tone to the dish, balancing the hot and strong spice flavors.
  • A broth made from both chicken stock and dashi is more complex, with a distinctly Japanese flavor.

"The Japanese, who are probably the world's greatest culinary aesthetes, don't hesitate to serve a greenish-yellow glutinous mess over their rice and label it 'curry.'" And thus Madhur Jaffrey, inAn Invitation to Indian Cooking, cuts down Japanese curry with the swiftness of a samurai sword.

Kare Raisu (Homemade Japanese Curry Rice) Recipe (1)

To be fair, Japanese curry was just one of her targets. She directed her broadside equally at British, American, Chinese, and French renditions of curry, all of which feature a generic and often stale blend of Indian-esque spices. At the root of her disdain was the question of curry itself, and what it is. That's a topic worthy of a deeper discussion, but we can briefly say that "curry," as the term is used outside India, does not have much meaning there. There is no Indian or South Asian spice blend known as "curry," nor a dish that goes by that name. In the south of India, there'skari, a saucy preparation that's often identified as the source of the English word, but, according to Raghavan Iyer in660 Curries, even that is open for debate.

What we can also say with some certainty is that at some point in the 18th century, the British began to incorporate an Indian-inspired spice blend that they called "curry powder" into their cooking. By 1747, curry had madeits first appearancein an English cookbook, Hannah Glasse'sThe Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy. It's this more generic conception of curry, and the powdered convenience product that fuels it, that leads us back to Japanese curry.

Now, I won't go as far as Madhur Jaffrey in condemning Japanese curry. She was on a specific mission at a specific time when she tore it down. Her goal was to introduce a more nuanced idea of Indian cooking to people whose familiarity didn't go far beyond a dusty old spice tin. But, given Japan's love of its version of curry—orkare, as the Japanese call it—it can't just be dismissed. It's one of the nation's most popular comfort foods, belonging to a class of dishes calledyōshoku—Western foods that the Japanese have adopted, and have at times heavily adapted, but still don't consider to be inherently Japanese. I will admit, though, that I was less than impressed with my first tastes of Japanese curry. To me, they were as perfectly tame as curry could ever be, which is to say, perfectly forgettable.

That changed after I visited the country last year. I'm always out to prove myself wrong, so one of my goals on that trip was to find a Japanese kare that could make me truly love it. My conversion came at a narrow lunch counter called Kitchen Nankai in Jinbocho, a Tokyo neighborhood famous for its bookstore-lined streets. There, the cooks heaped rice and shredded cabbage on a large plate, set a sliced fried pork cutlet on top, then ladled a black lagoon of steaming curry sauce all over it.

Kare Raisu (Homemade Japanese Curry Rice) Recipe (2)

It was an entirely different Japanese curry from ones I'd had before: darker, more bitter, and spicier, without the sweet and soft easiness of so many others. It was a curry that made itself known, its chile heat lingering until well after I'd left the restaurant.

I didn't leave with just burning lips, though. I also left with a new sense of just how much of a range of flavor is possible in Japanese curry without betraying the essence of the dish. I knew I could make my own, from scratch, calibrating the spices exactly as I wanted them and deepening the flavor as much as I pleased.

My mission upon returning home was to make a Japanese curry that had all the classic trappings—tender morsels of meat, chunks of silky potato, sweet bits of carrot, and green peas—in a sauce that was warm and gentle, cradled in a subtle sweetness, but at the same time barking with freshly ground spices and edged with bitterness and prickling heat.

The Spice Dissection and Resurrection

Kare Raisu (Homemade Japanese Curry Rice) Recipe (3)

The first and most important step in coming up with my own recipe for Japanese curry was to develop a spice mix. My biggest clue came on the side of a tin of S&B curry powder, one of the most popular Japanese brands.

These days, you can buy S&B and other Japanese curry products in a number of forms. The most basic is the spice powder, which requires the home cook to make their own sauce from scratch, save for the spice blend itself. The next level up in weeknight-dinner convenience is trays of the spice blend set in blocks of solidified roux—cook the meat and vegetables, add water or broth, then melt the blocks into it until a thickened, flavorful sauce forms. Beyond that, you can go for full-blown space-food ease in the form of premade curries packed in NASA-styleretort pouches: Simply heat, then squeeze the contents, often already studded with cooked vegetables, onto rice. I ate a whole bunch of these in the service of writing this article.

The ingredient list on the tin of S&B was the most enlightening for my endeavor. While it didn't show exact quantities, it did at least list the spices in order of quantity. I could see that turmeric made up the largest portion of the mix, followed by coriander seed and then fenugreek—the spice used to flavor artificial pancake syrup, famously responsible for New York City'smysterious maple syrup odorabout 10 years ago. As you can see, it's a spice profile that leans light, floral, and sweet.

Another helpful resource was thisbreakdown of Japanese curry spicesthat I found on the Japanese food site Just Hungry. It mostly confirmed what the S&B tin was already telling me, though Just Hungry had found a Japanese-language source with the approximate percentage of each spice used in S&B, which they translated into English. (The link to the original source in Japanese is no longer working.) Those percentages underscored even further just how mild these Japanese spice blends can be, with upwards of 90% of the spices in the mix made up of the mildest ones.

For my blend, I decided to mirror the S&B breakdown only insofar as turmeric was the number-one ingredient, but I punched up the cumin for more funk, added significantly more black pepper for warm heat, and included a more generous dose of chile pepper for more robust spice. Instead of ground ginger, I opted for grated fresh, to deliver far more zip and zest. Beyond that, I rounded it all out with a range of spices and flavorings, from dried orange peel to star anise and cinnamon.

Kare Raisu (Homemade Japanese Curry Rice) Recipe (4)

To bring out their flavor even more, Itoasted most of the spicesin a dry skillet before grinding them to a powder in a spice grinder.

The most important thing to remember about this spice mix is that you don't need to replicate mine exactly. That's what's so great about making your own. You could simplify it by paring down the number of components, or change their proportions to suit your tastes. It's this customization that makes the homemade version worthwhile. If you're not interested in that, you might as well grab a tin of the premade stuff off a Japanese-market shelf.

The Roux

Some recipes for Japanese curry call for cornstarch as a thickener, but many others use a classic roux of flour cooked in butter or another fat. The advantage of a roux is that you can toast the flour to whatever degree you want, altering its flavor more and more the darker it gets. I'm not sure what tricks Kitchen Nankai uses to get their curry sauce as dark as it is, but I suspect a deeply browned roux is one of the keys.

I make my roux in a small pot on the side while the rest of the stew cooks—because this is a stew at heart. Once the flour has reached a deep caramel brown, I add my spice blend. As mentioned above, I dry-toast the spices in a skillet first to deepen their aromas. Frying them in the roux helps develop their flavor even more. Cooking spices in a fat is a technique that's sometimes called "blooming," and not only does it make the spice flavor more complex, it also infuses the fat with the spices. That's a useful step, given that some of the flavor and aroma molecules in spices are fat-soluble.

Kare Raisu (Homemade Japanese Curry Rice) Recipe (5)

The Meat, Broth, and Add-Ins

The final components of the stew are the broth and all the vegetables and meat that go into it. I opted for chicken here, using boneless, skinless thighs, since they handle prolonged cooking much better than white meat does. You could just as easily use beef, selecting a cut that'ssuitable for stewing, or even pork. The basic technique would be largely the same, except for the cooking time, which would be longer for beef or pork.

The first step here is to sear the meat until it's browned, then transfer it to a plate while you sauté the vegetables. I use a simple combo of diced onion and carrot, leaving out the celery and garlic that often join those aromatic vegetables, since I decided I didn't want them in this particular dish. There's no right or wrong here; they're just not flavors I tend to associate with Japanese curry. (That's not to say no one in Japan uses them in their curries—I'm sure plenty of people do.)

Once the vegetables are tender and beginning to turn golden, it's time to add the liquid. Water is one choice, but it's a missed opportunity to reinforce and deepen flavor. Chicken stock is a better idea, but I wasn't satisfied with it alone. The holy grail in this dish is a combination of both chicken stock anddashi, which together add a meaty richness and also an unmistakable Japanese essence to the dish. The finished curry doesn't taste like dashi in any obvious way; it just tastes moreJapanese.

At this point, I cut up the chicken and add it back to the pot, along with pieces of potato and finely grated or minced apple. The apple, or another sweet component like it, is something a lot of kare recipes call for, and it's partly responsible for that accessibly sweet flavor that's so common to Japanese curry. Given that I had pushed my spice profile in a more aggressive direction, that base note of fruity sweetness was even more important here.

Bringing It Together

Kare Raisu (Homemade Japanese Curry Rice) Recipe (6)

To finish the curry, simply stir in the roux, then simmer until the broth has thickened. Green peas can go in right at the end, just long enough to warm them through. The most popular way to serve it is spooned into a bowl with a generous mound of warm short-grain rice, making what the Japanese callkare raisu, "curry rice."

Is it real Indian food? Clearly not. But when you take all the components into your own hands, it's a kare with enough flavor and personality to silence any doubters.

January 2018

Recipe Details

Kare Raisu (Homemade Japanese Curry Rice) Recipe

Prep5 mins

Cook60 mins

Active90 mins

Total65 mins

Serves6 servings


For the Curry Spice Blend:

  • 2 tablespoons (7g) whole coriander seeds, toasted in a dry skillet until fragrant

  • 1 tablespoon (6g) whole cumin seeds, toasted in a dry skillet until fragrant

  • 1 tablespoon (6g) whole fenugreek seeds, toasted in a dry skillet until fragrant

  • 2 1/2 teaspoons (6g) cardamom seeds, toasted in a dry skillet until fragrant (see note)

  • 2 teaspoons (5g) whole black peppercorns, toasted in a dry skillet until fragrant

  • 1/2 teaspoon (2g) fennel seeds, toasted in a dry skillet until fragrant

  • 1 (2-inch) piece cinnamon (3g)

  • 3 cloves

  • 1/2 of a star anise pod

  • 1 or 2 strips (1g) dehydrated orange peel (optional; see note)

  • 2 tablespoons (16g) ground turmeric

  • 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon (1 to 2g) chile powder, depending on the intensity of your chile powder and how spicy you want the curry

  • Pinch grated fresh nutmeg

For the Stew:

  • 1 pound (450g) boneless, skinless chicken thighs

  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepperr

  • 2 tablespoons (30ml) vegetable oil, plus more as needed

  • 1 large yellow onion (1 pound; 450g), diced

  • 8 ounces carrots (225g; about 3 medium), peeled and cut into 1/2-inch pieces

  • 1 quart (950ml) homemade chicken stock or store-bought low-sodium broth

  • 1 quart (950ml) homemade or instant dashi (see note)

  • 1 pound (450g) Yukon Gold potatoes, peeled and cut into 1-inch chunks

  • Half of one 6-ounce apple, peeled, cored, and finely grated, minced, or puréed

  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter (4 ounces; 110g)

  • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour (2 ounces; 55g)

  • 1 (2-inch) piece peeled fresh ginger, finely grated

  • Curry spice blend

  • 1 cup frozen peas (5.5 ounces; 160g), if desired

  • Warm short-grain rice, for serving

  • Pickled ginger and/or rakkyo (pickled Japanese scallion), for serving


  1. For the Curry Spice Blend: In a spice grinder, combine coriander, cumin, fenugreek, cardamom, black peppercorns, fennel, cinnamon, cloves, star anise, and orange peel (if using) and grind to a fine powder. Empty into a small bowl and combine with turmeric, chili powder, and nutmeg, then set aside.

    Kare Raisu (Homemade Japanese Curry Rice) Recipe (7)

  2. For the Stew: Season chicken all over with salt and pepper. In a large Dutch oven, heat oil over medium-high heat until shimmering. Add chicken and cook, turning, until browned on both sides, about 6 minutes. Transfer chicken to a plate and set aside.

    Kare Raisu (Homemade Japanese Curry Rice) Recipe (8)

  3. Add onion to Dutch oven, lower heat to medium-low, and cook, stirring, until golden, about 10 minutes. Add carrots and cook for 4 minutes. Add chicken stock and dashi and bring to a simmer over high heat; reduce heat to maintain a simmer.

    Kare Raisu (Homemade Japanese Curry Rice) Recipe (9)

  4. Cut up chicken into bite-size pieces and add back to pot, along with any accumulated juices. Add potatoes and apple and cook at a gentle simmer until potatoes are tender and carrots can easily be pierced with a fork, about 15 minutes.

  5. Meanwhile, in a medium saucepan, melt butter over medium heat until foaming. Stir in flour and cook, stirring, until roux is a deep caramel brown, about 20 minutes. Stir in ginger and 3 tablespoons (25g) curry spice blend and cook for 1 minute. Remove from heat and let cool slightly.

    Kare Raisu (Homemade Japanese Curry Rice) Recipe (10)

  6. Scrape roux into stew pot, stir well, and simmer until broth has thickened. Season with salt and pepper. Stir in peas, if using, and cook until heated through.

  7. Serve curry with cooked rice and pickled ginger and/or rakkyo.

Special Equipment

Spice grinder, Dutch oven


If you have cardamom pods, toast the pods first, then crack them to remove the seeds.

You can dry orange peels on a baking sheet in an oven set to its lowest setting; check them frequently, and remove when dehydrated.

If you don't have dashi, you can use the same volume of additional chicken stock to replace it.

Read More

  • Taste Test: Japanese Curry Roux Mixes
  • Indian Village (Gavthi) Chicken Curry
  • British Curry Sauce
  • A Guide to Thai Curry Varieties
Kare Raisu (Homemade Japanese Curry Rice) Recipe (2024)


What does Kare Raisu mean in Japanese? ›

Curry is commonly eaten as a rice dish in Japan, karē raisu (curry rice). The oldest Japanese mention of a dish called raisu karē (literally 'rice curry')—but as the misspelt taisu karē—is in cookbooks from 1872.

Why is my Japanese curry roux not thickening? ›

Curry will not thicken if there is not enough heat after adding a roux to the pot. Factors which impede thickening include using too little roux, adding too much water, and using vegetables with a high water content.

How many cups of water for Japanese curry? ›

850 ml (3 1/2 cups) Water (750 ml (3 cups) if cooking in a covered pot)

What is the difference between Japanese curry and curry? ›

For one, Japanese curry uses curry powder with less spices whereas Indian curry uses a variety of bases such as cumin, paprika, turmeric, and many more. Indian curry is more vibrant and bursting with flavor, while Japanese curry is sumptuous and “umami” but in a more understated manner.

Why is Japanese curry so good? ›

The stand-out feature of a Japanese curry is its thick, rich sauce. The thickness of the sauce which can only be found in Japanese curry is supported and beloved by many. The rich and indulgent sauce mixes with rice so perfectly, you will find it difficult stoping eating.

Is Japanese curry healthy or unhealthy? ›

“Everything in excess is bad,” so you should consume Japanese curry in moderation because it is high in sodium and fat- which can make a person sick when taken too much. Nevertheless, consuming it often can provide you with several health benefits and a lot of strength. Japanese curry is a good source of protein.

What type of rice for Japanese curry? ›

The most popular way to serve it is spooned into a bowl with a generous mound of warm short-grain rice, making what the Japanese call kare raisu, "curry rice."

What is the red thing in Japanese curry? ›

A customary item for Japanese curry, f*ckujinzuke (福神漬) is a type of Tsukemono, Japanese pickled vegetables. The pickles are easily recognizable for its eye-catching red color as they sit atop in almost every curry dish.

What if I put too much water in Japanese curry? ›

It's important to make Japanese curry the right consistency. If you notice your Golden Curry is too thick, you can add a small amount of water to thin it out. Likewise, if you've added too much water, you can let the curry simmer to thicken up.

What thickens Japanese curry? ›

The sauce is thickened by a roux (a mixture of fat and flour and an addition of curry spices). You can find many variations of Japanese curries, ranging from regions to households, but the most basic one uses chicken, which is the recipe I'm sharing here.

How many cups of water for 2 cups of Japanese rice? ›

The golden rule for the rice-to-water ratio [volume] is 1:1.1 (or 1.2). This means: This means you will need 10–20% more water than rice. 1 rice cooker cup (180 ml) of rice – 200 ml of water.

Can you add sriracha to Japanese curry? ›

Optional: Add sriracha sauce or chopped jalapeno for additional spiciness. Cook the pre-rinsed rice, in either a rice cooker or a pot (see directions on bag). Heat olive oil in a large pot and pan fry the chicken, Halloumi, or chickpeas.

What vegetables to put in Japanese curry? ›

The triad of vegetables most commonly found in Japanese curry are onion, potato, and carrots, but you can use almost any combination of vegetables and protein. Here, I've added celery, green beans, and corn to the mix, and use chicken thighs as my protein.

What does kare mean in Japanese? ›

As stated in the other answers, “kare”(彼) means “he” or “boyfriend” depending on the context and “wa”, which is actually spelled as “ha”(は) in Japanese, is a particle that marks the topic of the sentence that functions like “is” or “topic is”. So if you say “kare wa(ha)”, it means “he is…” or “boyfriend is…”.

What is raisu in Japanese? ›

And finally there is “raisu” (rice). Some may find it unusual for such an essential element of Japanese culture to be referred to with an English loanword. In fact, the word “raisu” is mostly used to denote rice that is served with foreign dishes.

What is the red stuff on Japanese curry? ›

Japanese curry is often served alongside with steamed rice and an accompaniment of bright crimson red relish called f*ckujinzuke (福神漬け). These pickled vegetables are sweet and tangy, which is perfect to set off the richness of curry.

What do Japanese people call curry? ›

Japanese curry (カレー, karē) is a dish that is hugely popular in Japan. It is readily available at various restaurants, and many households cook it at home too. As the curry is usually served with rice, you would hear the term "curry rice" (カレーライス, karē raisu) mentioned often.


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