Kodiak Waffles Recipe (2024)

A Kodiak cake (also known as a Kodiak waffle) is an American food item that originated in Kodiak, AK.

These cakes have been around since at least 1885 when they were first served by Mrs. George H. Kelleher, who was then serving as cook aboard the USS Nautilus.

She wrote down her recipe on a piece of paper, which she gave to Captain Joseph P. Kennedy Jr., who later brought it back to his home town of Boston, where he shared it with others.

The recipe has remained unchanged ever since, though there’s no official website or organization that keeps track of it.

However, this doesn’t mean that people don’t try to recreate their own versions of these delicious treats.

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Here are several reasons why you should give them a shot!

  • They offer a great way to enjoy fresh air while staying warm inside your house.
  • You get to indulge without having to worry about counting every calorie.
  • It takes just minutes to prepare and only a few ingredients to create something truly unique.

The Kodiak waffle is a unique waffle that originated in Kodiak, Alaska.

It’s delicious, easy-to-make, and perfect for breakfast or as an afternoon snack.

Kodiak Waffles Recipe (1)

What Are The Ingredients In A Kodiak Waffle?

A Kodiak waffle can be made with any combination of four basic ingredients — all of which you probably have at home already!

Flour, granulated white sugar, butter, and eggs are essential to its success.

When making your own Kodiak waffles, it’s best to use unbleached bread flour (also known as “all purpose flour”) instead of cake flour.

Cake flour has a lower protein content than other flours because it contains less gluten.

This makes it more difficult to achieve a fluffy waffle texture.

On top of this, cake flour tends to absorb moisture quicker than other types of flour, which will result in soggy waffles.

If you don’t want to make your own flour, there are many great brands out there that carry Kodiak waffle mix.

These mixes usually contain both regular and quick cooking options so they work well for those who prefer their waffles cooked on high heat settings.

You can also buy pre-made Kodiak waffles if you don’t feel like messing around with mixing up your own batter.

However, these waffles tend to come frozen, so you may need to defrost them before using them.

How Do You Make A Kodiak Waffle?

Kodiak Waffles are made with just five ingredients—flour, sugar, butter, eggs, and baking soda.

You can use either regular white or whole wheat flour but the batter will turn out differently depending on which variety you choose.


  • 1 cup all purpose flour (white or whole wheat)
  • ¼ cup granulated sugar
  • ⅓ cup unsalted butter melted
  • 3 large egg whites
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda


Mix dry ingredients together in a small bowl then add to the wet ingredients and stir well.

Add any additional flavorings if desired such as cinnamon or nutmeg.

What Is The History Of The Kodiak Waffle?

Kodiak waffles were first introduced to the world by Jack Bicknell when he started selling them at his general store on Kodiak Island.

He made these waffles using a traditional stone griddle with hot coals underneath it.

They became so popular that they spread throughout the island and eventually to other parts of Alaska.

Today, you can find Kodiak waffles at many restaurants across the state.

When people think about making their own waffles, they usually picture a fluffy stack of Belgian waffles.

However, the Kodiak waffle is different because it uses a special batter instead of yeast dough.

If you want to make your own, here’s how to make a Kodiak waffle.


  • 3 cups all purpose flour (you will need two boxes)
  • 1 cup granulated white sugar (or brown if you prefer)
  • 4 large egg yolks (beaten)
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ¼ teaspoon cream of tartar
  • ⅛teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • Butter for greasing pan
  • Baking Powder


  • Mixing the dry ingredients together can be done with either a handheld mixer or whisk.
  • Once everything is mixed well, add the wet ingredients into the bowl slowly until fully incorporated.
  • You should end up with a thick, sticky mixture. This can take some time but once it starts coming together, you won’t have any problems getting it out of the mixing bowl.
  • Now, prepare a non-stick skillet with 1/8 inch layer of melted butter. Place this over medium heat and wait for the butter to get nice and hot. Then pour approximately ¾ cup of the batter onto the center of the pan and let cook for 3 minutes without lifting the lid too much. After that, flip the cake and then place another ½ cup of batter on top of the first pancake. Let cook for 2 more minutes before removing the waffle from the pan. Repeat this process for each new batch.
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Now that you know how to make a Kodiak waffle, check out our list of best Kodiak waffle recipes below!

Kodiak Waffles Recipe (2)

What Are Some Interesting Facts About Kodiak Waffles?

Kodiak Waffles were first created in the early 1900s by a man named Henry “Hank” Anderson.

He was a miner who lived on Kodiak Island off the coast of Alaska.

Hank loved to cook and bake so he decided to create his own version of pancakes using ingredients found on Kodiak Island.

According to legend, Hank made his waffles with whale blubber instead of regular shortening.

This gave them their distinct flavor.

Today, Kodiak waffles can be obtained at local restaurants and grocery stores throughout the state.

Although not everyone knows it, there are several interesting facts about Kodiak waffles.

Here are five things you might have never known before.

1. They Are Made From Whale Blubber

You may know that Kodiaks eat whales but did you know that they also use their skin as cooking oil?

In fact, when the whales die, they are often left on shore until they rot completely.

This makes great fat which is then used to fry fish and other foods.

Before refrigeration became common, this was how people cooked food back in the day because it didn’t take much time to roast dead animals over fire.

Even though it takes longer than frying today, Kodiak waffles still taste amazing!

2. They Have A Unique Flavor

While most waffles have a sweet flavor, Kodiak waffles are different.

They actually taste like fried seal meat (which is actually quite good).

Since seal meat has such a strong smell, it is important to let the entire waffle sit out before eating it.

If you don’t leave your waffle out long enough, you will end up smelling like seal meat all day!

3. They Can Be Baked Or Fried

As mentioned earlier, Kodiak waffles are commonly baked rather than fried.

There are two reasons why this happens.

First, since Kodiak waffles are made with very little fat, if you deep fry them, the batter won’t hold together properly.

Second, the heat from the oven causes the batter to set faster so less time passes between cooking and serving.

4. They Don’t Need To Be Cooked On Both Sides

Most waffles require both sides to be cooked.

However, Kodiak waffles don’t need to be flipped after being put into the hot skillet.

Instead, once they come out of the oven, just cut them open and enjoy.

The reason why you should always flip waffles is because the top side contains more moisture than the bottom side.

When the waffle is placed directly on the stovetop, the steam coming from the top helps to keep the inside moist while the bottom dries out quickly.

5. They Make Great Gifts

If you want to surprise someone special, these are the best gifts ever.

Not only does this recipe look beautiful, but it tastes incredible too!

You can even find recipes online for making homemade Kodiak waffles.

These recipes usually include additional spices like cinnamon or nutmeg.

How Many Calories Are In A Kodiak Waffle?

A Kodiak waffle contains about 140 calories per serving (depending on how big you make it).

That means you can have one with your morning coffee or a bite while watching TV after work.

What Is The Nutritional Value Of A Kodiak Waffle?

Kodiak waffles have low calories per serving (just under 100) but high protein content (3 grams).

They also contain fiber, iron, calcium, zinc, vitamin B12, and folate.

If you want to know more about other foods with these nutrients, check out this list of foods rich in vitamins and minerals.

Are Kodiak Waffles Good For You?

Kodiak waffles aren’t the healthiest option out there.

They contain high amounts of fat (from both butter and shortening) which can cause problems with your heart if consumed regularly.

However, they do have some vitamins A and B6, along with iron and calcium.

So even though they may not be great for your cardiovascular system, they still contain valuable nutrients!

If you’re looking to cut down on added sugars or fats then these Kodiak waffles will fit the bill just fine.

However, if you love them, we don’t think you should worry about it too much.

What Are Some Different Ways To Eat A Kodiak Waffle?

There are many ways to enjoy a Kodiak waffle, but here are some common ones you might want to try out:

  • Serve it with fresh fruit like bananas, strawberries, blueberries, or raspberries on top.
  • Add cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla extract, or your favorite flavorings to make homemade waffle mix.
  • Make a Kodiak cake by adding coconut oil, coconut flakes, nuts, chocolate chips, etc.
  • Mix up a batch of strawberry jam and spread it across the surface before putting the waffle in the oven (this will give the waffle extra sweetness).

What Are Some Other Recipes That Can Be Made With Kodiak Waffles

Kodiak waffles are a great alternative to regular waffles because they are not too sweet.

They have a light texture and make a great base for any meal, especially those that require something on the savory side.

Here are some examples of what you can do with Kodiak waffles:

  • Serve them plain
  • Top them with your favorite toppings (like fruit preserves)
  • Make pancakes out of them by adding milk and/or syrup
  • Add cheese and bacon
  • Use them like mini bagels or pretzels by rolling them up and slicing them into bite-sized pieces
  • Bake them and use them as sandwich bread
  • Slice them open and fill them with all sorts of things!
Kodiak Waffles Recipe (3)

What Is A Kodiak Waffle?

Kodiaks are large brown bears native to Kodiak Island in Southeast Alaska.

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They can weigh over 600 pounds!

While they aren’t actually known to be aggressive towards humans, it’s best not to get too close if you see them roaming around.

There have been numerous reports of attacks on people by Kodiaks since the 1800s, so stay alert when hiking in bear country.

While there are no official records of how many Kodiaks live in Alaska, they are estimated to number somewhere between 10,000 and 20,000.

This means that Kodiaks are more common than polar bears.

What Are The Ingredients In A Kodiak Waffle?

A Kodiak waffle consists of four key ingredients: Flour, sugar, milk, and eggs.

There are also a few optional spices used to enhance its flavor.

There are many variations of this waffle recipe, but most include these basic ingredients.

Here’s what each adds to the mix.

  • Flour: This provides structure to the batter by absorbing a lot of liquid while cooking. If there isn’t enough flour, it will not cook properly.
  • Sugar: Sugar helps add moisture to the batter when cooking so it won’t dry out. Too much sugar makes the waffles tough and chewy which defeats the purpose.
  • Milk: Milk acts as both a leavener (which creates gas bubbles) and emulsifier (it mixes fats into liquids). Without either one of them, your waffles would taste flat.
  • Eggs: Eggs act as protein sources, provide binding properties, and help create the texture of the finished product.
  • Spices: These are added to enhance the flavor of the waffle. Some common ones include cinnamon, vanilla extract, nutmeg, and salt.


All waffle recipes use all-purpose flour because it’s versatile and has a neutral flavor.

All-purpose flour contains 12% gluten and works well with most batters.


Most waffle recipes call for granulated white sugar because it’ll dissolve quickly in cold water and gives the waffles their crisp texture.


Whole milk is preferred over low fat or nonfat because whole milk contains more fat than any other dairy product.

Most recipes suggest using 2/3 cup of milk per egg.


This ratio varies depending on how thick or thin you want your waffles.

Recipes often recommend 3 large eggs per 1/4 cup of milk.

Since eggs are high in cholesterol, it’s best to take care of yourself before indulging in a big batch.


These vary based on personal preference and the seasonings available at home.

Cinnamon, vanilla extract, nutmeg, and even salt can be added to enhance the flavor of the waffle.

Try adding different combinations to see if they work better together.

How Do You Make A Kodiak Waffle?

To prepare your own Kodiak waffle, first select two bowls that will serve as your waffle iron.

You can use any size bowls, but remember to measure them accurately so they fit snugly inside the waffle iron. Next, set out all of the necessary ingredients and tools on the countertop.

Once everything is ready, follow these steps to bake your Kodiak waffle.

  • In each bowl, mix together 1 cup all-purpose flour with 2 tablespoons granulated white sugar.
  • Add 4 teaspoons melted unsalted butter (or shortening) into each bowl.
  • In a separate mixing bowl, whisk 3 large eggs until well combined. Add 1 tablespoon milk.
  • Combine 1/4 teaspoon baking soda with 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar. Set aside.
  • Using a wooden spoon, add the dry mixture gradually into the egg mixture while stirring constantly.
  • Once the batter is smooth, pour it evenly between both bowls. Place the bowls back into the waffle maker and cook according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

What Is The History Of The Kodiak Waffle?

Kodiak waffles have been popular across America since they were first introduced to the market back in the 1920s.

They’re known by many names such as Alaskan Waffles, Kodiak Waffles, Kodiak Cakes, and more.

However, it’s important to note that these terms are all synonymous with each other.

These waffles are made using a special recipe that has remained unchanged throughout the years.

According to legend, the original recipe was created by a local baker who wanted to create something that would be good for his wife during her pregnancy.

He combined several ingredients together until he came up with what we know today as the Kodiak waffle.

Although this story may seem like a myth, it actually isn’t.

In fact, there are multiple recipes out there on how to bake a Kodiak waffle.

But regardless of whether it was created through trial and error, or if someone else had already come up with the same idea at another time, the end result is the same – delicious waffles!

What Are Some Interesting Facts About Kodiak Waffles?

Kodiak waffles are made with all-purpose flour, but they also contain brown sugar, eggs, and other ingredients to make them sweet and fluffy.

They can be served plain or topped with fresh fruit such as berries, pineapple, or apples.

History of the Kodiak waffle

When you think of Kodiak, you probably don’t think of waffles.

However, the Kodiak people have been making waffles since at least the 1930s when it was first recorded by anthropologists who visited the area on fieldwork trips.

In fact, the word “waffle” comes from the Alaskan language where “waffel” means “a flat cake used to hold dried fish.”

So what exactly are these waffles called?

Well, the term “waffle” is actually a misnomer because they aren’t really waffles!

Instead, they’re more like pancakes, crepes, or even English muffins depending on how you cut them into pieces.

Waffles are typically between 1/4 inch thick and 3 inches wide, which makes them much thinner than traditional waffles found elsewhere.

How Many Calories Are In A Kodiak Waffle?

Kodiak waffles have around 150 calories per serving but you can easily make them smaller to cut down on your daily calorie intake.

You will also want to avoid adding too much syrup when making these waffles because it contains high fructose corn syrup which has been linked with diabetes and obesity.

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Calories per Serving

  • 150 calories/serving
  • 1.5 ounces (45 grams)
  • 7 servings

So if you eat 1 waffle every day, it would be equivalent to consuming 649 calories each week.

This number goes up drastically over time if you add more than just 2 tablespoons of syrup onto it.

What Is The Nutritional Value Of A Kodiak Waffle?

A Kodiak waffle has about 170 calories per serving.

This makes it lower than other waffles on this list but still healthy enough to enjoy with your family meal.

Here are the main ingredients used in making a Kodiak waffle:

  • Whole wheat flour
  • Sugar
  • Butter
  • Eggs (two)
  • Baking powder

These ingredients provide the necessary nutrients required by your body during digestion.

However, they can be replaced with healthier substitutes if you prefer.

Here are some examples of healthier alternatives:

  • Almond flour
  • Oat fiber
  • Coconut oil
  • Dark chocolate chips

Kodiak Waffle Recipe


  • 1 cup whole wheat flour
  • ¼ cup brown sugar
  • ⅓ cup melted unsalted butter
  • 2 large eggs at room temperature
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda


  • In a medium bowl, combine all dry ingredients together.
  • Add the wet ingredients into the bowl and mix thoroughly until smooth batter is formed.
  • Heat up a nonstick skillet over high heat. When hot, pour ½ tablespoon of the mixture onto the pan.
  • Cook for 2 minutes then flip using a spatula and cook another minute. Repeat process until all the mixture is cooked through.

This recipe uses half of a whole egg and 1/8th of a teaspoon of baking soda. You could use any ratio you want depending on how much protein or fat you need for your daily diet.

Are Kodiak Waffles Good For You?

Kodiak waffles contain only three ingredients: flour (all purpose), sugar, and butter.

There are no added nutrients such as salt, oil, or other sweeteners.

The waffles are also low in calories with just 82 calories per waffle (depending on how much syrup they have).

They may be high in carbohydrates but those carbs come from whole grains rather than refined sugars so it’s not too bad for your health.

However, there are still a few things about them that might make people wary of eating them.

First, they can be difficult to find outside of Alaska.

Second, their price tag can get pretty expensive if you buy them online because most places will charge around $4-$6 for each waffle.

That’s why this recipe has been created.

What Are Some Different Ways To Eat A Kodiak Waffle?

Kodiak waffles are very versatile because they can be eaten plain, dipped into syrup, filled with jam, topped with whipped cream, or even served with chocolate sauce!

You can also make them into pancakes if you desire.

They have become quite popular around the world due to their uniqueness and taste.

Here are some different ways to enjoy your Kodiak waffle:

  • Make it into a pancake by adding more milk than usual, folding over, and cooking on medium heat until golden brown.
  • Dip it in maple syrup.
  • Fill it up with homemade strawberry compote and top with whipped cream.
  • Mix powdered sugar with melted dark chocolate and drizzle it over the waffle while still warm.

What Are Some Other Recipes That Can Be Made With Kodiak Waffles

Kodiak waffles have become quite popular thanks to their versatility.

They can be eaten plain, topped with ice cream, syrup, whipped cream, fruit, nuts, or even chocolate!

You can also make them into cakes by adding cake mix, frosting, or coconut flakes on top before you bake the waffle.

Here we will go over what makes this waffle so special, how to make it at home, and some great recipes you can try out if you want to add another tasty treat to your repertoire.

Kodiak Waffles Recipe (4)

Homemade Kodiak Waffle Recipe

A Kodiak cake (also known as a Kodiak waffle) is an American food item that originated in Kodiak, AK.

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Prep Time: 10 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 30 minutes minutes

Total Time: 40 minutes minutes

Course: Dessert

Cuisine: American

Keyword: Kodiak Cakes Waffle Recipe

Servings: 3

Calories: 145kcal


  • 3 cups all purpose flour
  • 1 cup granulated white sugar
  • 4 large egg yolks beaten
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ¼ teaspoon cream of tartar
  • teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • Butter for greasing pan
  • Baking Powder


  • Mixing the dry ingredients together can be done with either a handheld mixer or whisk.

  • Once everything is mixed well, add the wet ingredients into the bowl slowly until fully incorporated.

  • You should end up with a thick, sticky mixture. This can take some time but once it starts coming together, you won’t have any problems getting it out of the mixing bowl.

  • Now, prepare a non-stick skillet with 1/8 inch layer of melted butter. Place this over medium heat and wait for the butter to get nice and hot.

  • Then pour approximately ¾ cup of the batter onto the center of the pan and let cook for 3 minutes without lifting the lid too much.

  • After that, flip the cake and then place another ½ cup of batter on top of the first pancake. Let cook for 2 more minutes before removing the waffle from the pan.

  • Repeat this process for each new batch.



Calories: 145kcal | Carbohydrates: 34g | Protein: 56g | Fat: 42g | Trans Fat: 45g | Fiber: 12g | Calcium: 226mg | Iron: 0.34mg

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Linda Williams

I’m so excited to share my recipes and experiences with you all. My name is Linda, and I’m a home food blogger.

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Kodiak Waffles Recipe (2024)


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